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Removing loop from front page

(6 posts)
  • Started 13 years ago by joshuaiz
  • Latest reply from joshuaiz
  • This topic is resolved
  1. joshuaiz


    I'm trying to remove the loop entirely from my front page (I'm using a plugin to show just some excerpts with thumbnails instead of the full loop). Basically I have a static front page.

    That said, I tried using the settings under WP > Reading to use a static front page and move the loop to start at page 'News' and go from there but this doesn't work. I created a page called home and I click 'Home' I just get a blank page.

    The ultimate goal is to have the blog/articles start from the News page so that the page navigation, etc will work starting from there.

    How can I achieve this?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. hmmm i dont fully understand.
    can i ask, is the plugin essential? can't you just ammend the index loop to show a number of excerpts with thumbnails?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. joshuaiz

    Basically that's what I ended up doing. In the end I was making it more complex than it needed to be :).

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. you can switch thematic to just show some excerpts and thumbnails on the front page right. the code is on the forum in multiple places.

    if you create a blank page and call it News. you can set this page to show your blog posts under Reading Settings. OR you could create a page called News and apply the blog template to it. This will also get the News page to display your blog posts.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. joshuaiz


    As I indicated above, adding pages and changing the Reading settings didn't work - I just get a blank page for 'Home'. Applying the blog template to the 'News' page does work.

    I also tried filtering the loop to show just excerpts but I must be doing something wrong. Even using this (which I found in the forums) just returns full posts:

    function childtheme_override_content_init() {
            global $thematic_content_length;
            $content = '';
            $thematic_content_length = '';
            if (!is_single()) {
            		$thematic_content_length = 'excerpt';
            } elseif (is_single()) {
                    $content = 'full';
            } elseif (is_tag()) {
                    $content = 'excerpt';
            } elseif (is_search()) {
                    $content = 'excerpt';
            } elseif (is_category()) {
                    $content = 'excerpt';
            } elseif (is_author()) {
                    $content = 'excerpt';
            } elseif (is_archive()) {
                    $content = 'excerpt';
            $thematic_content_length = apply_filters('thematic_content', $content);

    I don't have a lot of posts so I am using manual excerpts at the moment.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. joshuaiz


    Of course you come to the rescue again :) Just got creative with my search terms and found that you had already taken care of this here:

    Sorted. Marking as resolved.

    Posted 13 years ago #

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